“HIDDEN LABOUR” is a social campaign initiated by Steven Sanjaya, exploring the multi-layers of labour involved in the quotidian consumption. Most of the products we consume in the daily, or the labour we do are already “half the work”, and this campaign is simply a gentle reminder to acknowledge all the labours involved in between, hidden or not. 
Based on readings from Arlene Daniel's Invisible Work, and primary data collected from a local coffee roastery, Space Coffee Roastery. Footage sourced from multiple sources.
(project info)

The Brand Identity goes in tandem with the issue that I’m working on. Labour exists in a very vast spectrum, some of the labour gets acknowledged fairly like skilled-workers and white collars; others stay hidden and get neglected like rural workers, farmers, common workers, or even designers or creative practitioners, etc. - when in fact, those workers are the reason we find convenience in our daily life, these inconsistencies on the acknowledgement of labour is shown through the logo - some of the character is more blurred out than the rest, just as some labour gets more acknowledged than the rest. Labour gets blurry.

Through this project, I hope to gently remind the audience to at least acknowledge the multi-layer labour involved in making our lives easier. A coffee isn’t a coffee without any of the labours mentioned in the film, without the farmers, there wouldn’t be coffee, without the construction workers, there wouldn’t be a coffee shop (for the coffee), all labours that happen in between are for our convenience. Let’s not make those labours hidden. Acknowledge all labours, because every bit of labour matters.
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